MarCar Mairi CBCA 1002

“Mairi” proved to be a quick starter, and from the beginning, was very serious about her work with sheep, while still a young puppy well under a year of age. She showed tremendous promise; with a naturally nice cast and lovely balance, and a positive, confident approach to the work. As a result, she was very easy to train, being both quick and clever, and as well, she possessed a naturally cool head under pressure. She is competing in both Nursery and ProNovice classes in 2014; that is until my knee joint replacement curtails our activities for some months... But surely, if ever there was an incentive to hurry back onto my feet than “Mairi”, I can’t imagine a stronger motivator! She has everything I could ask for, as a future trial dog and partner, and is as good as any I have trained to date.

“Mairi’s” Photos and Updates